Remaining Active as We Age

As we age, we tend to become less active and begin to lose mobility. Hence the saying, “Move it or Loss It.” The more seniors move, the more convenient it’ll be for them to keep moving. Therefore, seniors and their caregivers must make strides to maintain some form of daily activity.

Spring is here, so it is a perfect time to venture outdoors for some sun. Here is our favorite suggestion for an activity seniors can do while they enjoy the outdoors.


Gardening is an excellent activity for seniors, even for seniors with limited mobility. Planting flowers, vegetables, and fruits in the ground requires some physical exercise like reaching, bending, and squatting which helps maintain strength and agility.

However, gardening can be easily modified for seniors with mobility concerns by simply moving pots or planters on the table for easy access.

Gardening Benefits

Gardening allows seniors to benefit both mentally and physically. Some seniors find having the responsibility of looking after plants helps brighten their day which can provide a sense of purpose.

Extra physical movement can help to release endorphins which help strengthen muscles including the heart.

Gardening Dietary Benefits

Another positive outcome of gardening is eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

According to an article in Everyday Health by Krisha McCoy, 10 Tricks to Getting Enough Fruits and Veggies,  a diet that contains fruits and vegetables can help reduce high blood pressure and lower your risk for stroke, heart disease, and certain cancers.

Skye Canyon Home Care encourages all of our seniors to get some fresh air and start gardening this Spring.

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